

First Blush (Early Bird Pricing): $55 - Available until 03.20.20

Advance Pricing: $65 - Available until 04.30.20

Day of The Event / At the Door: $75


The Voices of Youth. 

Expressing themselves in new ways, old ways, bold ways, and misguided ways. Facing the same generational biases and skepticism that all those that have come before have faced in equal measure. Independence, sexuality, gender equality, eco-responsibility…

In a society so hell-bent on being heard, why is it so hard for us to listen? Why are we so certain that it’s our voice that's the right voice? Where can we start to find common ground, and on what issues are voices joining in unison?

ROUSE 3.0 intends to challenge those issues — start a discussion. Open participant eyes AND ears to the voices of our youth through the mediums of art, fashion and opinion.

One night can’t possibly solve all our societal unrest. But listening, with a willing heart, can begin here. 

ROUSE 3.0 UNdefined can UNite us all.